Sunday 26 July 2009

Whats good for the goose....

Shot nicked from, showing Missee feeding the geese at Lydney lake.

Thursday 16 July 2009

'A walk with my mum'

Sunday 12 July 2009

Lucy seems to have really got to grips with her 'Light sphere juggling' ..bravo!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Auntie Katie rocks!

This entry is specifically to celebrate the beautiful, fantastic, funny, clever and most importantly Brown maxied girl that is Auntie KT. The fearless tracker of slugs and snails, the tireless walker to the end of the garden, and fellow lover of tomato ketchup and hater of mushrooms. Auntie KT we salute you! XX

Esta entrada es precisamente para celebrar el hermoso, fantástico, divertido, inteligente y lo más importante de todos los marrones Maxied niña que es tía KT. El intrépido seguidor de las babosas y los caracoles, el caminante incansable hasta el final del jardín, amante y compañero de tomate ketchup y odia a las setas. Tía KT le saludamos! XX